Monday, December 14, 2020

Final Blog: Me and Technology

Technology has become an essential part of my everyday life. I rely on technology to wake me up for class every morning, to communicate with family from far away, to be informed about what is happening locally and around the world, and much more. I spend more time on technology than I would like, but it seems like I do not have another choice. 

Yes, there are times I could eat and just sit there in my thoughts, but as an escape from my thoughts, I might watch television or sit on my phone instead. Sometimes this is healthy, other times it may be much more beneficial to mindfully eat my meals. 

According to this website, the average adult spends 5.9 hours a day with digital media. If I did my math right, that amounts to about 25% of the average adult’s week being spent using digital media. This number is from 2018, and due to the pandemic I am almost positive the numbers have increased tremendously. 

In a situation like the current world circumstance, I am thankful for technology. It has allowed so many opportunities that were not available or as considered before. For example, last Summer I was still able to gain hands on experience through a virtual internship. Working remotely was not previously on my radar of options, but because of that experience I know that it is something I can do. 

The more I think about it the more I realize that technology is all around me all the time, there is not an easy escape. Our society has become focused on the right now and knowing everything that is happening in others lives all the time. Personally, I do not care to share what I am doing all the time because I do not care for other people to know. 

It is not because I am doing something I shouldn't be, it is more that I try to focus on living in the moment. When I am with other people, I find it disrespectful to constantly be checking my phone. There is no way I can actively listen and respond in a conversation if my focus is elsewhere. 

Technology is incredibly distracting. This article emphasizes the importance in stepping away from your phone because it decreases motivation and productivity. 

Whenever I am writing a paper or need to focus on an assignment, I have to put my phone and other technology distractions away where I will not hear or see them. It is too easy to see a notification then get brought down the rabbit hole just to realize you have wasted an hour looking at your Instagram feed. 

Technology brings a lot of opportunities to explore curiosity. The internet allows any question to be explored and likely answered due to the level of access it provides. The question about rather or not technology makes us smarter is interesting because it is two sided. 

While we may not have the information stored in our brains for quick responses, answers to questions we do not know can be answered with the click of a button. This factor of exploration can increase our levels of knowledge if the information is actually retained. 

On the other hand, easy accessible technology like a calculator has taken away the need to process basic math equations in our heads. Equations like giving change from a cash register should be done with ease, now I honestly question myself. This is not something I am proud of, but technology has made it where I don't feel as though I need to focus on that skill. 

The use of technology is not something I spend my time worrying about. While I would like to decrease my use of technology, I know that I have the ability to put it away and disconnect from time to time. The use of technology like cell phones has become essential to living.

The kinds of things I do worry about is if one of my family members or friends need me and are not able to get in touch with me or vice versa. Technology has become somewhat of a safety net in this sense. 

Technology will continue to change, develop, and improve, and there is nothing I can do to totally escape. It is something my generation and the generations to come will have to keep adapting to in order to stay up to date especially in our future career paths. There are many technological tools I have yet to explore, and many skills I should focus on improving my own ability to perform. 

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